Monday, August 24, 2009

Stopped by New People again

Stopped by New People again to finish checking out the 2nd floor. Along the way, I picked up 2 more DIY clay craft books (the one in the middle was purchased on my first visit).

Exterior of the Building:

Secretly shot these as I was walking towards the New People store. On the 2nd floor, they have signs everywhere that indicates NO PICTURES ALLOWED. I always wonder why certain stores won't let you take pictures. The shoes on the 2nd picture are sold on the 2nd floor. If you enlarge the pic, they are ninja shoes w/ funky designs. I got to the place around 4:30PM on a Sunday. The New People store was packed with people but they were just browsing the store. Once we got up to the 2nd floor, it was quiet and just a few people there. The employees of each shop, except for 6% DokiDoki, didn't even bother to greet us. They were just totally in their own world doing their own thing. At 6% DokiDoki, you can get gifts there for a decent price. Hair bows were $6 and up. At Baby, The Stars Shine Bright store, I saw headbands for $39-$59 (similar style to Kawaii Panda's headband from Forever21 but in mostly pink). Outfits were cute and PRICEY but I don't know where I can wear them to.

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