Sunday, August 2, 2009

DIY: Miniature Pastry Clothespin

Bought these mini clothespin a few months ago but never used them. I decided to make them cuter by painting and attaching miniature Re-ment pastries on them. The acrylic paints will require generous layers to fully show the color so it may take me a day or 2 to complete this. The pink tube of paint has glitter mixed into it while the purple tube has a really pretty shimmer. Both were purchased at Daiso for $1.50 each. The brown paint & brush were purchased from Michaels (always a great deal when you have their 40% or 50% off coupon)! The Re-ment pastries were from a series called Bread & Butter and was from Chamalyn ($4.25). I think the clothespins were about $1.50 for 48 pieces and were also from Daiso.

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